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How the Hair Color Wheel Enhances Your Hair Color

July 2, 2024/

Not only is the color wheel useful in painting classes! In my hair salon, I use the hair color wheel on a daily basis. It determines the success or failure of a corrected color service. I make reference to the hair color wheel system in this post. Introduction What is the Hair Color Wheel?…

Hair Types 101: Learn About Different Hair Types and Best Care Practices

June 23, 2024/

Your hair type determines by your hair’s curl pattern. There are four varieties, and the various areas of your head might have varying curl patterns. Your tastes and hair type can influence how you style. Remember that your hair is lovely no matter how it looks. Taking care of your hair could cost…

Ultimate Guide to Rout Hair: Prevention and Care Tips 2024

June 14, 2024/

What is Rout Hair? Rout Hair means a specific type of hair damage characterized by breakage and weakening at the root. Understanding what Rout Hair is and how it differs from other forms of hair damage is crucial for effective prevention and treatment. In this section, we’ll drive into the definition and nature…

Why Amla Oil Is the 100%  Secret to Healthy, Shiny Hair

June 9, 2024/

Amla Oil, derived from the Indian gooseberry (Phyllanthus emblica), has long been celebrated in Ayurvedic medicine for its remarkable benefits for hair health. This natural elixir is packed with essential nutrients, including vitamin C, antioxidants, and fatty acids, which work together to nourish the scalp and promote hair growth. The use of Amla…

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